Time Saved This Week: 17 Hours, 50 Minutes
"As crazy as 2023 seemed, could it actually in retrospect seem like the calm before the storm?" Bari Weiss and Oliver Wiseman call up their favorite industry professionals to get their expectations and predictions for 2024 — because it's here whether we like it or not. There are certainly some doom-and-gloom election predictions and potential geopolitical disaster scenarios in these Premium Podcast Notes, but there are also plenty of light-hearted topics like take-it or leave-it health trends, top slang words to stay hip, the potentially pantsless fashion industry, and so much more.
Blake Eastman dives deep into nonverbal cues, dealing with talkative vs. quiet people, improving partner communication without complaining, watching ourselves on video, and understanding power dynamics at work and the best tip for dating you've never heard. Premium only.
Grammy-nominated singer, Mount Everest Climber and Cross America Walker - Mike Posner shares his insights on how to have more moments of being, why pain is the best teacher, how to become a better person and beat depression, and more. Mike is the yin to David Goggin's yang. There is more than one way to success and enlightenment. Premium Only.
​What to Expect in 2024: Predictions from Niall Ferguson, Tyler Cowen, Peter Attia and More ​
​Bringing Or Dropping Key Trends From 2023 Into 2024:​
​Slang Words to Be Hip With It:​
​Price Inflation Predictions, 2024:​
​2024 Economic Trends:​
​Ukraine is Korea, Not WW2: The war in Ukraine could be analogous to the Korean war. “In Korea, you had a year of extraordinary kinetic warfare and then two years of attrition, effective stalemate. And then a kind of armistice that left the country divided with an extremely dangerous border…. But if you just take that analogy as something to work with, I think we’re entering that phase of our version of the Korean war that will be called stalemate.” – Niall Ferguson
​Taiwan is A Reverse Cuban Missile Crisis: “Cuba was an island just off the United States. The Soviets tried to effectively turn it into a missile base. And John F. Kennedy imposed a blockade. Called it a quarantine, but it was a blockade. And the Soviets sent a naval force. It was the closest we came to World War III in the whole of the Cold War. If there’s a Taiwan crisis of the sort, I’m imagining it will be like the Cuban Missile Crisis with the roles reversed. The Chinese will be the ones doing the blockading and we will be sending a naval force and risking World War III.” – Niall Ferguson
​Cold War 2: Niall believes historians will look back and say Pax Americana faced a well-coordinated challenge from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea in the early 2020s. The United States is incredibly ignorant and unprepared for the possibility of losing Cold War 2
​Communications Masterclass​
​Let’s Go to the Videotape: Record yourself having an interaction with your partner
​Become an Expert Presenter in 3 Weeks: 1 hour of day of practice. Focus initially on comfort level and freedom while presenting
​Be Unpredictable: The best communicators often have versatility and unpredictability in their speech and tonality, engaging the listener’s brain by introducing slight chaos or unpredictability
​Dating Secret: The best paradigm for dating is storytelling, never questions
​Think About Others: “The best communicators and the people that are the most well-liked are consciously putting other people first.” – Blake Eastman
​Writing Is For Thinking: “Writing is one of the most powerful self-development mediums over anything.” – Blake Eastman
​The Way Back Home with Mike Posner​
​Channeling the Divine: The ideas do not come from you but from the infinite. Mike refers to it as God
​What it Means to be Human: We are all vessels for divine energy in some way, and our job is to make it come across purely and not let our minds and preferences sully that transmission
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
​Pain is the Best Teacher: Life will give you pain to nudge you in the right direction when you have limiting beliefs or are doing something that’s not rightIf you don’t listen, life will give you even more pain
​Never Go Full Goggins: When doing hard stuff, Mike goes full Goggins. But, he doesn’t want to be stuck in that 24/7
​The 5 A’s: Acknowledge (see yourself the way the person who loves you the most sees you), accept (accept yourself as a living breathing miracle despite your mistakes), appreciate (be proud of yourself, appreciate your beauty), affection (love yourself), allow (set yourself free)
​Never Become Your Diagnosis: “I love therapy but I hate therapy because we make identities out of our diagnosis and they become harder to change.” – Mike Posner
"Your Life is a Printout of Your Beliefs": A belief is a thought repeated over time.”
​The framework of non-violent communication applied:​
​Huberman: Preventing and Treating Flu/Colds​
Why You Can't Get Immune to the Common Cold: Each type of cold has a different shape, meaning that even if you develop antibodies to one cold, the next cold you get will likely have a different shape and the antibodies you previously generated are not equipped to combat this new cold
How do you catch a cold: the virus is spread by breathing, sneezing, coughing – or sneezing, coughing, sneezing onto a surface and then touching
Most Contagious Period: when you feel your worst – coughing, sneezing, etc. but you can also be contagious when you start to feel better
How Do You Catch the Flu: most typically passed by human-human contact, walking into a cloud of sneeze or cough that contains the flu virus
Andrew Huberman Doesn't Take the Flu Shot: But says it can be useful if you live/work in a high risk area like a hospital
Three Line of Defense: (1) physical barriers like skin and mucosal lining of the body; (2) innate immune system – neurochemical defense designed to combat viruses; (3) adaptive immune system which recognizes something foreign entered the body and antibodies need to be produced
Innate Immune System: “The innate immune system is a very fast, non-specific response to a viral or other type of invader.” – Dr. Andrew Huberman
Adaptive Immune System: the adaptive immune system is to create antibodies to kill the exact intruder that made it into your body
Enhancing Your Immune System: Get enough quality sleep; exercise; adequate nutrition – caloric deficit can compromise the immune system; brief fasts can support the immune system but extended ones can compromise it; mitigate chronic stress
Gut Microbiome/Immune Health: consume 2-4 servings low sugar-fermented foods per day such as yogurt, refrigerated sauerkraut, and pickles, kombucha with low sugar
Heat Defense: Sauna (176-210F) can result in an increase in cortisol (we know this because heat is a stressor) – if you are heat adapted (exercise or sauna regularly) it takes more sauna to get an increase in innate immune response versus someone who is not
​The Future of Neuroscience - Medtech and Meds​
Rapid-acting Neurostimulation: Can alleviate symptoms of major depression in 2.6 days on average; even faster for bipolar patients. Speed of action and durability of effect make this a very potent treatment
Resting-state functional connectivity MRI: sit in a scanner and scan the brain region; blood flow is a surrogate of electrical activity – it responds to activity; the timing of blood flow is offset between nodes of the brain which tells you the sequence of timing
Psychiatry 1.0: Freud Based. As a result, the solutions were content solutions – psychoanalysis and psychotherapy
Psychiatry 2.0: we found pharmaceutical antipsychotic and antidepressant solutions and deinstitutionalized treatment – you no longer needed to be in inpatient treatment
Psychiatry 3.0: this current era is now seeking faster, less invasive, and less pharmacological/chemical exchange treatments; the goal is to reduce the need to stay on exogenous chemicals to stay well
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): TMS is based on Faraday’s law. You can generate current through electrically conducting substances if you pulse a magnet
SAINT TMS Protocol: SAINT reorganized TMS to make it faster, more personal, and highly effective
Ibogaine, The Next Big Psychedelic: an atypical psychedelic – it does not elicit visual perceptual differences in the external world, and it enables you to re-experience memories as a third-party
Special Forces PTSD Study: Single arm study of veterans with traumatic brain injury, depression, some with alcohol use disorder. Results: Consistent improvements in symptoms in over 90% of patients! – read the full study here​
Uniqueness of Ibogaine: People report a life review type of experience where the user experiences a replay of their life, almost like watching a slideshow of their life
Nature > Pharma: “If we gave one of the big pharma companies $100 billion…and said make a drug that works like ibogaine…I think they’d have a hard time doing it because we don’t have the neuroscience to understand what’s going on there and I think it’s because it’s not one receptor.” – Dr. Nolan WilliamsIt’s almost more sophisticated than we want to believe nature can pull off
Ibogaine For Drug Addiction: Role of ibogaine for drug withdrawal symptoms: Ibogaine knocks out opioid withdrawal symptoms, which is very unique to ibogaine vs other psychedelics
Ibogaine + 5MEO DMT/The Toad: There is a place for the use of 5-MeO-DMT following ibogaine to alleviate any sort of hangover effect of ibogaine – the side effects of ibogaine phase out on their own but the 5-MeO-DMT seems to bridge the gap fasterThe problem is we really just don’t know the effects of 5-MeO-DMT alone so hard to say whether it’s having its effect outside or in combination with the ibogaine
​Marc Andreessen and Rick Rubin​
Why Startups Fail: Internal dissent in a company is one of the primary reasons that a company fails
California is a Dream Factory: California builds the technology of dreams, and then the entertainment industry in Hollywood makes the dreams
Tall Poppy Syndrome: Due to humanity’s tribal inclinations, the Tall Poppy – the person trying to do something new – tends to get cut
Why Media HATES Tech: When something in tech is successful, it tends to change the status structures and hierarchies of society.
Too Big Is the Goal: The goal of every company is to become too big to fail
The Law of Crappy People: The quality of any level in the company will degrade to the worst person at that level
The Babe Ruth Effect: Home run hitters strike out more often. The people who try to do something radically new are going to fail at a much higher rate
Revenge Is a Great Motivator: “I’ll tell you one thing that really gets me out of bed in the morning: the opportunity to really stick it to someone who I feel did something wrong.” – Marc Andreessen
​Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Peter Attia​
Peter Attia Lifespan Maxing:
2 Classes of Apolipoprotein: (1) a class; (2) b class. A lipoprotein is what wraps around the cholesterol to make it able to move around water
Four factors which elevate ApoB: (1) cholesterol synthesis; (2) cholesterol reabsorption; (3) triglyceride burden; (4) clearance
ApoB population-based reference ranges:
Statins work by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis primarily in the liver: When cholesterol synthesis is shut down, the liver tries to get more cholesterol so puts LDL receptors everywhere to drive down LDL
PCSK9 inhibitor: Very effective, very safe, no real side effects, lots of long term data – but it is expensive in the US because it’s not readily approved by insurance because you have to be at high enough risk to justify
Ezetimibe: Not as potent but less expensive, usually needs to be used in conjunction with another drug (unless you have high levels of phytosterols – those people respond well)
Bempedoic acid: Ineffective until metabolized in the liver where it inhibits cholesterol synthesis; but it’s a very expensive drug
Menopause: Before menopause, a woman is aging slower than a man by almost a decade – then menopause hits and it’s like falling off a cliff in terms of aging
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) today
TRT: Testosterone replacement therapy and prostate cancer: the lower the testosterone, the higher the risk of high grade prostate cancer
The Best Ideas, From The World's Best Podcasts. In Minutes.
Time Saved This Week: 8 Hours, 45 Minutes NEW Premium Notes René Girard, Mimesis, and Conflict | Cynthia Haven on EconTalk with Russ Roberts If you're looking for a great introduction into the profound and controversial mind of René Girard, then these Premium Podcast Notes are for you. Expect to be briefed on how his mimetic theory claims that complete authenticity is impossible, why the scapegoat mechanism is so powerful in both societal and religious contexts, and why we all have self-love...
Time Saved This Week: 15 Hours, 3 Minutes NEW Premium Notes AMA #14: 2023 Philanthropy, Evening Routine, Light Therapy, Health Metrics & More | Huberman Lab Check out a special full length version of Andrew Huberman’s AMA, typically only available to premium subscribers. In this special episode, Huberman answers questions related to 2023 scientific research contributions, evening and light routines, annual health and fitness metrics, strength training protocols for women, and more. How to...